Acknowledgment & Privacy Policy
This Website is about Kristen Britain fantasy author.
Website address is:
Website Design
Website assembly by RHCzerneda
Photographic Credits
Image preparation.
Leila Saad
Kristen Britain with friend, Sally, the Fjord draft pony
(Frequently Asked Question Page).
Diana Whiting, Natural Eye Photography
Kristen’s official photograph ( and associated pages).
Kathleen Kelly
Ranger Kristen photograph (Author page).
Kristen Britain
All other unidentified photographs throughout the website.
Disclaimers and Legal Notes
Effort has been made to obtain permission and properly credit the source of all copyright material used in this website. If you feel I’ve missed anything or anyone, please contact me or the web designer with that information and we will correct or remove the material in question.
Unless stated otherwise, all text on this site was written by Kristen Britain, who is the copyright holder. Snippets, short stories, and other materials relating to her fiction are provided for the entertainment of website visitors and in no way does she relinquish her copyright on her stories, characters, or settings.