Short Stories

Imaginary Friends

“Justine and the Mountie”

By Kristen Britain in
Imaginary Friends
Edited by John Marco

ISBN 978-0-7564-0511-3
DAW Books, Inc., New York, 2008.

When you were a child, did you have an imaginary friend who kept you company when you were lonely or scared, or who had the most delightful adventures with you? For anyone who fondly remembers that unique companion no one else could see or hear, here is a chance to recapture that magical time of your life. Join thirteen top imaginers as they introduce you to both special friends and special places in thirteen spellbinding tales.
            From the adventurous doings of a dragon and a boy…to a young woman held captive in a tower, and the mysterious being who is her only companion, though he can’t enter her room…to a beggar, a bartender, and a stray dog in the heart of Nashville…and a woman who seems to have lost her creativity until a toy Canadian Mountie suddenly comes to life…you’ll find an intriguing assortment of comrades to share some of your time with in Imaginary Friends.

Other contributors: Rick Hautala, Anne Bishop, Jean Rabe, Juliet McKenna, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Donald J. Bingle, Tim Waggoner, Paul Genesse, Russell Davis, Bill Fawcett, Fiona Patton, Jim C. Hines


“Chafing the Bogey Man”

By Kristen Britain in
Edited by Julie E. Czerneda

ISBN 978-0-7564-0475
DAW Books, Inc., New York, 2008.

There is a right way and a wrong way to do practically anything. And when it comes to magic, skipping some directions, changing the ingredients, garbling the words of a spell—all of these can lead to unusual, sometimes dire, sometimes comical consequences.
            Veteran writer and editor Julie Czerneda has offered seventeen authors the challenge of creating spell-driven situations that get out of control. Here are just a few of the results: a cybermancer—a spell caster working in the realm known as Hel to some, and the Internet to others—has her spell disk corrupted by unexpected input…two students out to brew up some spells completely outside the curriculum forgo a most important ingredient…a has-been golf pro finds an old family spell that should improve his game, but at what cost? A young woman orders a fairy-tale life, but she forgets to read the fine print and ends up with the worst parts of two fairy tales. Can Customer Service break the spell? Other contributors: Lesley D. Livingston, Kristine Smith, Kevin G. Maclean, Janet Elizabeth Chase, Marc Mackay, Kent Pollard, Kell Brown, John Zakour, Rob St. Martin, S.W. Mayse, Doranna Durgin, Morgan S. Brilliant, Kate Paulk, Nathan Azinger, Jim C. Hines, Shannan Palma

DAW 30 Anniversary Fantasy

“Linked, on the Lake of Souls”

By Kristen Britain in
DAW 30th Anniversary Anthology: Fantasy
Edited by Elizabeth R. Wollheim and Shelia F. Gilbert

ISBN 0-7564-0138-0
DAW Books, Inc., New York, 2003.

Cover art © 2003 G-Force Design

In 1971, veteran paperback editor Donald A. Wollheim left a job he had held for nearly two decades to embark on a venture that would change publishing history. With his wife, Elsie, he founded DAW Books, Inc., a family-owned publishing company, and the first book company ever devoted exclusively to science fiction and fantasy. And now, thirty years and over twelve hundred titles later, DAW remains a small, privately owned company still publishing the best in fantasy and science fiction.
            This book is your invitation to DAW’s 30th anniversary celebration. The stories in this volume appear in chronological order, based on the first time the author was published by DAW. Contributors: Andre Norton, Michael Shea, Tanith Lee, Christopher Stasheff, Jennifer Roberson, Mercedes R. Lackey, Miriam S. Zucker, Tanya Huff, Melanie Rawn, Deborah J. Ross, Larry Dixon, Phyllis Irene Radford Karr, Marjorie B. Kellogg, Jane S. Fancher, Michelle West, Fiona Patton, Kristen Britain, Lynn Abbey

Out of Avalon


By Kristen Britain in
Out of Avalon: An Anthology of Old Magic and New Myths
Edited by Jennifer Roberson

ISBN 0-451-45831-1
Roc, New York, 2001.

Cover art © 2001 Jeff Barson

Avalon. Mist-shrouded, wrapped in magic. The legendary island of the Goddess, resting place of Arthur. This mystical island’s legacy has remained strong over the centuries, becoming a symbol of hope and wonder.
            Out of Avalon presents fifteen original stories of magic, adventure, and romance from an era lost to history—yet always remembered by those with imagination…. Other contributors: Marion Zimmer Bradley, Rosemary Edghill, David Farland, Diana Gabaldon, Adrienne Gormley, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Katherine Kerr, Diana L. Paxson, Laura Resnick, Mike Resnick, Jennifer Roberson, Lorelei Shannon, Tricia Sullivan, Judith Tarr, Eric Van Lustbader, Samuel Watkins, Michelle Sagara West