
Kristen Britain
c/o DAW Books
19 W 21st Street
New York, New York 10010

It has become increasingly difficult for Kristen to answer mail. Though she appreciates the letters of fans and values their interest in her books, she will no longer be able to reply to all letters, though she will try her best. Please note it can take months for letters to be forwarded to Kristen, and longer for her to reply. Your forbearance is appreciated. Thank you.

For licensing and rights inquiries:
Russell Galen, literary agent
Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency

For media and publicity inquiries:
Alexis Nixon, Publicist:
DAW Books New York: 212-366-2096


Bragelonne, Green Rider Series publisher in France

DAW Books, Inc, Green Rider Series publisher in North America

Donato Giancola, cover artist

Gollancz, Green Rider Series publisher in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth

Heyne-Verlag, Green Rider Series publisher in Germany

Julie Czerneda, friend and fabulous SF/F author

Keith Parkinson, cover artist

Locus Magazine

Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance

Publishers Weekly

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
